– 伊豆弧との衝突 –
3.1 15 million years ago, volcanic blocks (crust) of Izu-Ogasawara arch ( the submarine ridges in the west of Izu-Ogasawara Trench. See the map on the previous page.), located in the south of Japanese archipelago, began to collide with Japanese archipelago at the center of its main island Honshu.
3.2 As these blocks were too big to subduct beneath Honshu, they were instead accreted to it, creating thereby a couple of highlands in the midland Honshu.
3.3 The last of the series of collisions took place a million years ago and created Izu Peninsula ( See the map on the previous page.).
3.4 As a result of these collisions, the belts of ancient accreted prisms ( See the next item ) of the Honshu were pushed inward ( that is to say to the north ) and moved left and right ( that is to say to the west and to the east ), creating thereby Akaisi Range ( Southern Alps ) to the west and Kanto Mountains to the east.
3.5 The collision is still going on.
3.2 これらのブロックは、日本列島の下に沈み込むには大きすぎたので、列島に付加され、いくつかの山地を形成した。
3.3 一連の衝突のうち、最後のものは、100万年前に起き、伊豆半島を作った。
3.4 これらの衝突の結果、日本列島側にあった古い付加体(次項参照)の帯が内陸(北方向)に押し込まれて左右(西と東)に移動し、それぞれ、赤石山脈(南アルプス)、関東山地を形成した。
3.5 衝突は、現在も続いている。